Tutorials standalone
These tutorials are self-contained and cover a variety of mixed topics, both physical and methodological. They are designed to be followed from start to finish in one page and do not require previous knowledge of yambo. Each tutorial requires download of a specific core database, and typically they cover a specific physical system (like bulk GaSb or a hydrogen chain). Ground state input files and pseudopotentials are provided. Output files are also provided for reference.
These tutorials can be accessed directly from this page of from the side bar. They include different kind of subjects:
Warning: These tutorials were prepared using previous version of the Yambo code: some command lines, variables, reports and outputs can be slightly different from the last version of the code. Scripts for parsing output cannot work anymore and should be edited to work with the new outputs. New command lines can be accessed typing yambo -h
More on GW and Quasi-particles
- Real Axis and Lifetimes
- Self-consistent GW on eigenvalues only
- GW tutorial on HPC
- GW on arbitrary k point
More on Linear response and BSE
- TDDFT Failure and long range correlations
- The magneto-optical Kerr effect
- Dichroism in molecules (to do)
- Linear Response in 2D (to restore from old version)
- Linear Response in 1D (to restore from old version)
- Linear Response in 0D (to restore from old version)
Post Processing & Yambpy
- Yambo Post Processing (ypp)
- First steps in Yambopy
- Yambopy tutorial: band structures
- Yambopy tutorial: Yambo databases
- GW tutorial. Convergence and approximations (BN) [yambopy tutorial]
- Bethe-Salpeter equation tutorial. Optical absorption (BN) [yambopy tutorial]
Electron phonon coupling
- Electron Phonon Coupling
- Optical properties at finite temperature
- Phonon-assisted luminescence by finite atomic displacements
- Exciton-phonon coupling and luminescence
Real time & Non linear response
- Linear response using Dynamical Berry phase
- Linear response from real time simulations
- Real time approach to non-linear response
- Correlation effects in the non-linear response
- Third Harmonic Generation
- Spin-orbit coupling and non-linear response
- Two-photon absorption
- Pump and Probe
- Parallelization for non-linear response calculations
Developing Yambo