
From The Yambo Project
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Here you will find a collection of lectures given by members of the Yambo team over the years.

Click on the image to open the PDF in your browser.


Yambo Technical Introduction.png Yambo Philosophy.png Yambo general intro.png Yambo Handbook.png Yambo Parallel Structure.png
Yambo Technical Introduction Yambo Philosophy Yambo general intro Yambo Handbook Yambo Parallel Structure

Practical Lectures

Linear Response in practice.png GW in practice.png Excitons in practice.png
Linear Response in practice GW in practice Excitons in practice

Density Functional Theory

Density Functional Theory.png
Density Functional Theory

Linear Response Theory

Linear Response.png EOM approach to the BSE.png Diagrammatic approach to the BSE.png Real time approach to the BSE.png
Linear Response Equation of Motion approach to the Bethe-Salpeter Equation Diagrammatic approach to the Bethe-Salpeter Equation Real time approach to the Bethe-Salpeter Equation

Many Body Perturbation Theory

Quantum Mechanics nutshell and Hartree-Fock.png Correlation and Diagrams.png
Quantum Mechanics nutshell and Hartree-Fock Correlation and Diagrams


A diagrammatic approach to GW.png EOM approach to GW.png GW and spin.png GW and ARPES.png Heuristic GW.png GW implementations and approximtions2.png
A diagrammatic approach to GW Equation of Motion approach to GW GW and spin GW and ARPES Heuristic GW GW implementations and approximations