Plan for the ICTP 2020 school tutorials
Tutorial files
All tutorials require download of the following pre-prepared Yambo databases or DFT input files:
After downloading the tar.gz files just unpack them in the same folder:
$ tar -xcvf hBN-2D.tar $ tar -xcvf hBN.tar $ ls YAMBO_TUTORIALS $ ls YAMBO_TUTORIALS hBN-2D hBN
Monday 27 Jan HANDS-ON 1
14:40 - 17:00 From the DFT ground state to the complete setup of a Many Body calculation using Yambo Davide Sangalli (CNR-ISM, Italy), Pedro Melo (University of Liege, Belgium)
Tuesday 28 Jan HANDS-ON 2
14:00 - 18:00 A complete tour through GW simulation in a complex material (from the blackboard to numerical computation: convergence, algorithms, parallel usage) Daniele Varsano (CNR-NANO, Italy), Andrea Ferretti (CNR-NANO, Italy)
16:30 - 18:00 A complete tour through GW simulation in a complex material (from the blackboard to the computer settings: convergence, algorithms, parallel usage) (continued) Daniele Varsano (CNR-NANO, Italy), Andrea Ferretti (CNR-NANO, Italy)
- Parallel GW: strategies for running Yambo in parallel
- GW convergence: use Yambo in parallel to converge a GW calculation for a layer of hBN (hBN-2D)
Link to old CECAM specific cases: GW_parallel_strategies_CECAM and Pushing_convergence_in_parallel_CECAM
Wednesday 29 Jan HANDS-ON 3
14:00 - 16:00 A guided tour through calculations of spectroscopic properties using the BSE approach Daniele Varsano (CNR-NANO, Italy), Maurizia Palummo (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy)
- Calculating optical spectra including excitonic effects: a step-by-step guide
- Obtaining a converged optical spectrum
16:30 - 18:00 Many-body effects in 2D materials: convergences, spin orbit effect, exciton characterizations Maurizia Palummo (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy), Attaccalite Claudio (CNRS, CINAM, Aix-Marseille Univ., France)
- Many-body effects in low-dimensional systems: numerical issues and remedies
- Analysis of excitonic spectra in a 2D material
Thursday 30 Jan HANDS-ON 4
14:00 - 15:00 Real-time approach and Calculation of linear response functions and optical properties Claudio Attaccalite (CNRS, CINAM, Aix-Marseille Univ., France), Davide Sangalli (CNR-ISM, Italy)
15:30 - 18:00 Real time approach and Calculation of non linear properties (second harmonic generation) Claudio Attaccalite (CNRS, CINAM, Aix-Marseille Univ., France), Davide Sangalli (CNR-ISM, Italy)
Friday 31 Jan HANDS-ON 5
09:00 - 10:30 Python scripting tools for accelerated GW convergence Fulvio Paleari (CNR-ISM, Italy), Alejandro Molina-Sanchez (IINL, Portugal)
10:30 - 11:30 Python scripting tools for BSE convergence and analysis Fulvio Paleari (CNR-ISM, Italy), Alejandro Molina-Sanchez (IINL, Portugal)